Visual Navigation: Monitoring and evaluating implementation of LED on Values
One of the distinctive elements of LED on Values is its commitment to accuracy in the concepts, efficiency in the processes and the creation of real impact in teaching and learning processes and in the social environment of the school community.
To ensure this commitment, LED on Values proposes to measure the impact of programme implementation using the following parameters:

- Acquisition of personal, social and civic competences by the students;
- The students’ pro-social behaviour (e.g. responsibility and social participation);
- The students’ academic achievement;
- Improvement in the climate of the school and community and school management processes.
The monitoring tools to achieve this assessment are quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (case studies), the results of which are submitted to “meta-evaluation” by external experts.
This monitoring and assessment process leads to the identification of changes that may be introduced to increase the effectiveness of LED on Values and the dissemination of best practice through the network of schools and organisations that are implementing the Programme.
No less important is the production of a “retro-information” for schools that implement LED on Values and participate in the monitoring process. This retro-information consists on making the data collected from students and other participants in the schools available (anonymously), data that can be used by schools for their own evaluation processes.