Democracy Values Laboratory is meant to develop pedagogical and training activities that support the promotion of democratic values, active participation in civil society and the empowerment of target-groups, based on the development of an innovative pedagogical exhibition and a national training and sensibilization campaing for educators (teachers, NGO technicians, parents and guardians).
The project aims to promote the development of personal, social and civic skills based on the universal values approach, fundamental for the understanding and integration of diversity, citizenship and democracy, providing learning opportunities through interaction, participation and reflection about democratic and ethical values with children and youth.
By exploring the values of democracy, citizenship and diversity, the project brings children and youth closer to the foundations of civic participation and democracy, encouraging the sense of belonging based on the identification of common values and thus impacting their communities, since they will be multipliers of the knowledge and experience acquired in the project in their schools and families.
The training and sensibilization sessions are expected to enable educators to become facilitating agents in processes of democratic development in children and youth.
The project will run until February 2016 and is coordinated by iLIDH in partnership with Voksne for Barn (Norway) and supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (FCG) within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.